
Why Pythons dir function is wrong

written on Sunday, September 8, 2013

In this post I want to describe why Pythons dir function is not working correctly. It's something that I've stumbled upon by developing Jedi. This also describes how the type and object internals work.

Have you ever noted how the dir function is not returning all the attributes of an object? (Note: all examples are Python 3.2, but I've tested it with the latest revisions as well)

>>> dir(str)  # note: no __bases__
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', ...]
>>> str.__bases__  # note: no AttributeError
(<class 'object'>,)

dir obviously doesn't return all the methods it should. Why? str is a type and an object:

>>> isinstance(str, object)
>>> isinstance(str, type)

Well is everything a type then?

>>> isinstance(type, type)
>>> isinstance(str(), type)

This also shows how type is a type. If you want to understand that, you may want to read some things about metaclasses.

An improved dir function

To simplify things, let us just create a different dir function, where old_dir would be how the dir function currently behaves:

NotDefined = object()
old_dir = dir

def dir(obj=NotDefined):
    if obj is NotDefined:
        return old_dir()

    if isinstance(obj, type):
        return sorted(set(old_dir(obj)) | set(old_dir(obj.__class__)))
        return old_dir(object)

Why does this happen?

For C code analysis I'm going to switch to the latest revisions (Python 3.4.0a1+). Somewhere in Python > 3.2 __dir__ methods have been added to all the normal objects (You could've customized your functions for a long time now). The dir function looks up the magic functions for an object and executes it.

There are two different kind of __dir__ functions, one for objects - one for types, let's look at the C code documentation:

/* __dir__ for generic objects: returns __dict__, __class__,
   and recursively up the __class__.__bases__ chain.
static PyObject *
object_dir(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    /* the comments above say everything */

/* __dir__ for type objects: returns __dict__ and __bases__.
   We deliberately don't suck up its __class__, as methods belonging to the
   metaclass would probably be more confusing than helpful.
static PyObject *
type_dir(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject *result = NULL;
    PyObject *dict = PyDict_New();

    if (dict != NULL && merge_class_dict(dict, self) == 0)
        result = PyDict_Keys(dict);

    return result;
    /* full source code, not shortened*/

As you can see there's a note in front of the type_dir method (in Objects/typeobject.c), that says: "We deliberately don't suck up its __class__, as methods belonging to the metaclass would probably be more confusing than helpful." This is the explanation. I think that's not correct, because people would like to know that there's a __bases__ variable and a very useful __subclasses__ method in classes. dir is the tool Python programmers typically find out about it.

Solution? Just change the type_dir function, please! I will also suggest this in the Python issue tracker. Edit: I just did.

Why did I research this? Because I want Jedi to be correct. Really.


Thank you for the discussion on reddit, I want to clarify a few things:

Jedi doesn't actually use the dir and __dir__ function. I just realized that I haven't made this clear. Jedi generally doesn't execute code. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because it has really confused me (I'm using the interactive shell to introspect).

Some argue that __bases__ is not relevant. That's true in a lot of cases. But most of the other magic methods are also not relevant. I mean seriously, who knows what str.__reduce_ex__ even does? Who would use it? __bases__ is something that a lot of people have used in contrary. So IMHO there are two options: Either show all the methods or none. I think it's perfectly ok to now show magic methods in dir. You could also change the function to dir(object, magic=False), that's also ok. I just think that the current implementation is confusing.

If you still don't believe me, even the awesome ipython rewrote dir and included the type methods.

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This entry was tagged builtins, jedi and python

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